The top 3 people with the most bonus points at the end of the challenge will get to choose a bonus word for the next quarter. Winter Swans by Danica Winters = 1 point for title, 2 points for author = 3 bonus pointsīe sure to tally your pages and bonus points separately.
Nothing Lasts Forever by Sidney Sheldon = 1 point for titleįire in the Blood by Dale Ibitz = 2 bonus points for author last name The most you can have for any one book is 3 bonus points, 1 for title and 2 for author.įor example (if WINTER were our bonus word): This read-a-thon runs from March 20 - June 20 2023įor every book that you read with a title starting with one of the letters in the bonus word give yourself 1 point, if any section (first, middle, last) of the author's name starts with a letter in the bonus word give yourself 2 points. Welcome to our Spring seasonal read-a-thon.